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Sunday 6th


9.30am PARISH MASS (with Children's Homily) (H.T.)

Pro populo 

11.00am PARISH MASS (S.S.)

Pro populo

6.00pm Said Mass and Benediction (S.S.)

Pro populo


Monday 7th

Our Lady of the Rosary

8am Mass (S.S.)

Will Billbrough   


Tuesday 8th


12 noon Mass (S.S.)

Toni Disbury (R.I.P.)


Wednesday 9th

S. John Henry Newman

No Mass

Thursday 10th

S. John Leonardi 

12 noon Mass (S.S.)

Confirmation Candidates   â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Friday 11th


No Mass​


Saturday 12th

S. Wilfrid

No Mass


Next Sunday 13th


9.30am PARISH MASS (with Children’s Homily) (H.T.)  11.00am PARISH MASS (S.S.) 
6.00pm Said Mass and Benediction




Confessions: Before any Mass and by appointment.



TODAY At the end of Mass today there will be refreshments served at the back of Church at Holy Trinity, and in the Church Hall at S. Silas. We do hope you will be able to join us.


HOLY TRINITY CHOIR Thank you to the Holy Trinity Choir for singing at Mass this week. The choir rehearses once a week, if you are interested in joining speak to Kris.


KNITTED POPPIES As part of our Remembrance Sunday commemorations we hope to have a display of knitted poppies at Holy Trinity. It would be good to involve as many members of the community as possible in this. Patterns for the poppies are available in church. Do please encourage family, friends and neighbours to take part in this. Look out for details of a Poppy workshop!


HOLY ROSARY October is the month of the Holy Rosary. A decade of the Rosary will be offered after each weekday Mass.


ALL SOULS’ CANDLES Letters are available in church for the All Souls’ candles. These need to be returned to Fr Philip by Sunday 27th October.


FR PHILIP is away on holiday from after Mass on Monday 7th October until the 6pm Mass on Tuesday 15th October.


SOCIAL MEDIA Find us across social media: @StSilasNW5.


VISITING If you would like a visit at home from Fr Philip please be in touch with him.


PLEASE PRAY FOR those caught up in the war in the Middle East and in Ukraine; for all who teach and learn in our school; for the sick commended to us – Eileen Bromwich, Ginny Green, David Roberts, David Woolf, Leonard Hearne, Su Beard, Jeff Cridland (Pr), Caroline Essl, Hector Chisholm, Norma Chisholm, Stephen Doyle, Peter Hearn, Patricia Stephenson, Doreen Moodie, Peter Piddock, Ian Macgregor, Gabi Cancello, Veronica Lavin, John Nelson, Pearline Squire, Kay Farrell, Carlos Stinson, John Nix, Joyce Nix, Gill Bell, Brenda Yazdi, Dennis Holmes, Michael Trodd, Hazel Hallam, Toni Disbury, Pauline Ansley, Pam Ansley, Earl Foster, Melvin Murray, Bert Brace, Clare Smith, Dave McWilliams and Micheline Lobjois; for all who have died Andrew Sharp, Anne Hearn and Toni Disbury (Recently Departed) and for Emma Lunkeit, Jospeh William, Elizabeth Pearce, Elizabeth Gowar, Paul Mendy, John Milburn (Pr), Gary Gaffney, and George Coughlin. (Anniversaries).   

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